Growing Providence Talks City-Wide

Client: Providence Talks

Issue: Providence Talks is an innovative early childhood intervention program designed to increase the number of words low income parents speak to their young children (birth to age 4). After a successful pilot phase, the program was ready to scale city-wide with a goal of recruiting 2,000+ parents to participate. Providence Talks engaged Advocacy Solutions to launch a marketing, advertising, and public relations campaign to build the Providence Talks brand and recruit eligible families.

Campaign: To build awareness of Providence Talks and drive program enrollments, Advocacy Solutions:

• Organized a Providence Talks re-launch event which garnered media coverage in the Providence Journal, USA Today, and local broadcast outlets.

• Developed Providence Talks collateral materials including a new logo, palm card, door hangars, and posters. All materials we’re developed in both Spanish and English.

• Lead the development of :30 Providence Talks video ads for Facebook and YouTube.

• Launched and managed content for Providence Talks Facebook pages in both Spanish and English, and recruited more than 1,500 page likes.

• Fielded a geo-targeted Facebook advertising campaign which generated more than 33,000 click-throughs to Providence Talks signup page.

• Designed and launched a digital banner ad campaign on the popular

• Developed :30 radio ads which aired on Providence area Spanish language stations.

Result: Providence Talks dramatically increased their number of enrollment leads and actual enrollments. The program was put on target to meet their parent enrollment goals.